Mrs. Boeckmann has significant field-based monitoring and evaluation experience in Eastern Africa including Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda with a particular focus on the small-holder farmer and female beneficiaries. She has conducted multiple assessments managing every stage of the process from sample and tool design, to data analysis and final reporting. This has included the use of participatory and qualitative methodologies and developing tools and training for field staff with a wide range of education levels and expertise.

Ms. Boeckmann also has significant experience with quantitative and qualitative data analysis for NGOs including KOMAZA, Sustainable Health Enterprises, Nascent Solutions, and Trickle-UP all of which were focused specifically on female beneficiaries.  She served as a supporting consultant on the Manitou, Inc. team, helping to conduct the participatory, consultative, and inclusive evaluation of the HighScope Curriculum Reform Program (for children aged from 2 to 5).

She has a Masters Degree in International Development with a concentration in Monitoring and Evaluation from George Washington University.